List of fines you will pay for traffic violations
The Rajya Sabha on Wednesday cleared the bill to amend 30-year old motor vehicle law to improve road safety, raise penalties for traffic violations, curb RTO (Regional Transport Office) corruption and other measures to transform the transport sector.The legislation provides for stricter punishment for various traffic related offences as well as higher penalties, including a compensation of Rs 5 lakh for death and Rs 2.5 lakh for grievous injury in a motor vehicle accident case.It proposes Rs 10,000 fine for not giving way to emergency vehicles and Rs 10,000 for driving despite disqualification. Aggregators violating driving licences will be fined up to Rs 1 lakh.The bill includes penalties in the range of Rs 1,000- 2,000 for over-speeding.Driving without insurance will be punishable with Rs 2,000 fine, while driving without helmets will attract Rs 1,000 penalty and 3-month suspension of licence.Also, the guardian/owner will be deemed guilty in case of road offence by juveniles, while registration of the vehicle will be cancelled.As per the new provisions, "guardian/owner shall be deemed to be guilty and there will be a penalty of Rs 25,000 with three years imprisonment and cancellation of registration of the Motor Vehicle".Traffic violations would now attract a penalty of Rs 500 in place of Rs 100 earlier, while disobedience of orders of authorities will attract a minimum penalty of Rs 2,000 in place of Rs 500 earlier.Penalty for unauthorised use of vehicles without licence has been proposed at Rs 5,000 while those driving without licence will have to shell out the same amount and those found driving despite disqualification would be fined Rs 10,000.Penalty for dangerous driving would be increased to Rs 5,000 from Rs 1,000, while drunken driving under the proposed new law would attract a fine of Rs 10,000."If aggregators are found violating lincensing conditions, they will be charged a sum of up to Rs 1 lakh" while overloading of vehicles would attract a penalty of Rs 20,000. Proposed Amendments in Various Penalties under Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill – 2019Section Old Provision / PenaltyNew Proposed Provision /Minimum Penalties177GeneralRs 100Rs 500New 177ARules of road regulationviolationRs 100Rs 500178Travel without ticketRs 200Rs 500179Disobedience of orders ofauthoritiesRs 500Rs 2000180Unautorized use of vehicles without licenceRs 1000Rs 5000181Driving without licenceRs 500Rs 5000182Driving despitedisqualificationRs 500Rs 10,000182 BOversize vehiclesNewRs 5000183Over speedingRs 400Rs 1000 for LMVRs 2000 for Mediumpassenger vehicle184Dangerous driving penaltyRs 1000Upto Rs 5000185Drunken drivingRs 2000Rs 10,000189Speeding / RacingRs 500Rs 5,000192 AVehicle without permitupto Rs 5000Upto Rs 10,000193Aggregators (violations of licencing conditions)NewRs 25,000 toRs 1,00,000194OverloadingRs 2000 andRs 1000 per extra tonneRs 20,000 andRs 2000 per extra tonne194 AOverloading of passengersRs 1000 per extrapassenger194 BSeat beltRs 100Rs 1000194 COverloading of two wheelersRs 100Rs 2000, Disqualificationfor 3 months for licence194 DHelmetsRs 100Rs 1000 Disqualificationfor 3 months for licence194 ENot providing way for emergency vehiclesNewRs 10,000196Driving Without InsuranceRs 1000Rs 2000199Offences by JuvenilesNewGuardian / owner shall be deemed to be guilty. Rs 25,000 with 3 yrs imprisonment. For Juvenileto be tried under JJ Act.Registration of MotorVehicle to be cancelled206Power of Officers to impound documentsSuspension of drivinglicenses u/s 183, 184, 185,189, 190, 194C, 194D,194E210 BOffences committed by enforcing authoritiesTwice the penalty under therelevant section
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